Just put in a couple still clips of cupcakes instead or something in my part or footage, or whatever. fuck - Colleen Quigley after she accidently signed off and cancelled the file uploads
He's alive! Congratulations! - A tourist talking about Desiree
Were they mexican or were they parrots? - Evan Lefebvre
She should have been a dancer instead - este talking about some snowboarder
I don't like competition, I like rail jams - Pat talking about pictionary
You and Gab are twins - Mike Hakker to Patricia and Gab
You're a twin - Patricia to Mike
I tried to go to Victoria's Secret get a push-up bra but they said it wouldn't work on me - Desiree
I have tons of wisdom, but no money - Dani from Bataleon
Scarf-ication. I choke myself with my scarf - Dani
June, I hope you blog in hell - Travis Miranda
You don't know what I went through today. Spend the day with kids that weren't even cute. - Travis Miranda
Are you eating my fuckin pomelo? I fuckin knew this would happen! - Marie Hucal to Pat Garvin
Dear, I can see your nipple. - Brenth to este
Who are you? - Alexis Waite asking Matt Charland as he enters her house
I don't know? - Matt to Alexis
Oh ok, come in. - Alexis