The Peep Show crew have been keepin it busy in Quebec. Exit film agency has contacted Peep Show to do a documentary on Jess Kimura. Jess is one of the most generous, caring, genuine, and passionate person I have met and I'm not the only one who realized this. Director Jono and his crew flew from Australia to come meet her and explore what exactly it is that sparks this hunger and passion she has inside her.

Esthera and Jess told me I should fly to Quebec. Thanks for telling me a day in advance bitches. I'm explaining this to Laurie and SBC's photog, Oli Croteu

The essentials: Gum, Canon Elph, cancer sticks, lighter, and wallet with a permanent imprint of a condom

Oh, another essential: Banshee Bungee... who needs jet packs when you have a Banshee?

Laurie keepin it hood with the doo rag.

Jess visualizing the trick.

We always roll deep...

2 British photographers

1 assistant/translator/nice guy (Joel, from Montreal)

1 Audio Man, 1 Director ....Adrien and Jono are one of the most incredible guys we've met along our way. Sweet, sincere, and artistic. Adrien invited us to visit him in Australia... Australia, here we come!!!

Our very own Quebecois filmer, Yan Lecompte. He's fucken rad. He's also a stuntman and babe. Ladies, feel free to email us for date arrangements.

Este didn't snowboard today. Her leg is going into labor.

Instead, she decided to follow the Adrien's footsteps. Future audio girl/rabbit care taker.
Adrien kept his fuzzy rabbit close to him, but he finally let his guard down towards the end of the night. "WE GOT THE RABBIT! LET'S GO!"
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